Readings for Thursday 19th September 2024

Medium: Alice Grace
12.30 - 1.00pm
1.00 - 1.30pm

Medium: Nicky Banks
12.30 - 1.00pm
Booked - Suzi
1.00 - 1.30pm

Readings are £15 for 30 minutes. To reserve a booking an advanced payment of £5 (£5.46 online) is required with the balance of £10 being paid on the day. Reservation payments in church or online by selecting the time from the drop-down list and clicking the Buy Now button below. Due to PayPal limitations paying for readings with Sheila will need to be done on the second Buy Now button and menu. Please note that once paid for no one else can take that booking but it may take up to 24 hours for it to appear on this webpage. Thank you.

Medium and Times

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